Reference: CNN-IJ90TI
Neopost IJ90 - Original printhead 7200263Y / EAN 4127024H / 4139522H - Postal blue
1-Year warranty |
100% tested |
Campatibility warranty
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Reference: CNN-IJ90TI
Neopost IJ90 - Original printhead 7200263Y / EAN 4127024H / 4139522H - Postal blue
Reference: CNN-IJ90/110TI
Neopost IJ90/110 - Original printhead 7200263Y, EAN 4127024H, 4139522H - Postal blue
Reference: ETIQAFF11-825
LABEL FOR FRANKING MACHINE 210 x 39 with Arrow BOX OF 1,000
Reference: CNN-IJ90_FR
Neopost IJ90 - 7200268D / 4127178T compatible inkjet cartridge - Postal blue